Witches Are In Season At The Justice Department
A Michigan couple charged with distributing obscene materials was arrested Monday. John and Deborah Messer of Brutus, Michigan are facing up to 30 years in prison for selling obscene material through the mail and possession of child pornography.
"The indictment and arrests reflect the Justice Department's commitment to the vigorous enforcement of obscenity laws," said the DOJ's Obscenity Prosecution Task Force director Brent D. Ward. "Which is absolutely necessary if we are going to protect citizens from unlawful exposure of [sic] obscene materials."
I feel safer already.
Now, I'm just speculating here, but I think the child porn charges are probably bullshit. (If they're not, then now is a good time to announce that Porntribe is 100% for the castration of anyone who sexually exploits children.) It's been my observation that whenever the DOJ has a weak obscenity case, they tack on some child porn charges to vilify and humiliate the accused.
I don't know all the details of this case, yet. But the question begs to be asked: Who did the Messers hurt? Did they engage in a direct mail campaign, sending a barrage of unwrapped pornography to pre-schools across the nation? It seems to me that if they are being charged with selling pornography, then somebody out there made the grown-up decision to buy it.
This may all be elementary, but these are the absurdities that Porntribe will continue to challenge and expose. We will call out the hypocrites, warn you of the witch hunts and expose the real villains so, hopefully, one day, we can all jerk off in peace. So, FUCK YOU, Mr. Brent D. Ward, if for nothing else than forcing me to have to think about this crap.
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