Sunday, April 23, 2006

Porntribe Says Boink Magazine is Way Cool

It all started in 1999, when Vassar College began publishing Squirm Magazine, a campus news zine featuring nude photos of the student body and articles on sex. Other classy institutions soon followed suit, including Yale, Harvard and, most recently, the University of Chicago.

Although most of the other Ivy League sex mags operate with the approval of their school's administrations, Boston University's Boink Magazine just doesn't give a fuck. As a result, censorship issues are non-existent and the magazine is free to do what ever it pleases. This doesn't sit well with BU administrators but it seems there is little they can do about it.

"The university does not endorse, nor welcome, the prospective publication of Boink," said Dean of Students, Kenneth Elmore before the first printing in 2005. "Nor [do we] view its publication as a positive for the university community, because of the treatment of serious sexual health, relationship and related issues."

Now, if I was Ken's speech writer, I would have slipped the word "boink" in there at least three more times. Still, that probably wouldn't have helped much. The most damage the administration has been able to do to Boink is to not recognize them as an official student group, bar them from receiving any student funds and get them blacklisted at a nearby campus bookstore.

None of that has hurt the magazine. Sales and subscriptions are keeping Boink afloat and they're currently doing a brisk online business.

From what I've seen, Boink is a great magazine. The photos and articles are hot and professionally executed. And their mission is honest and real.

Alecia Oleyourryk, editor and publisher says that Boink embraces all kinds of sex so they don't discriminate against what gets published.

"Sadly, there are few formal forums for people our age to share their sexual experiences and to learn from others who are on the same journey," 21 year old Oleyourryk said. "Boink was created to fill that need."


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