Monday, July 24, 2006

Porn Star Runs For Governor

Nevada--In case you haven't heard, ex-porn star Melody "Mimi Miyagi" Damayo is running for governor of Nevada.

Damayo filed as a Republican candidate in May and despite being excluded from the major opinion polls, she has grabbed her fair share of headlines in the Nevada press.

Whether you want to laugh it off as a juvenile media stunt or dismiss it as a footnote in bubble-gum pop culture, the fact remains that Mimi is running this thing as a legitimate campaign.

"I want everyone to know that I'm here to bring back the roots of the Republican Party: freedom, freedom of speech, freedom to party, free enterprise," Damayo said at a recent campaign funraiser.

Now, wouldn't the world be a better place is we had a porn star or two in public office?


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